Media for Change

Arabische christenen delen het evangelie via sociale media en op TV in de Arabische wereld




Uitgelichte productie

Een nieuw begin

Arab Vision is producing a series of 365 short clips in which Arab children proclaim the word of God by simply citing Bible verses. These clips of just a few seconds each are used on Christian satellite television and on the internet, using Facebook and…..

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Vrede in een gebroken wereld…

Arab Vision is producing a series of 365 short clips in which Arab children proclaim the word of God by simply citing Bible verses. These clips of just a few seconds each are used on Christian satellite television and on the internet, using Facebook and…..

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Tell me more about the Biblical stories

Ala’ (Egypt): “I want to know more about the Biblical stories which aren’t mentioned in the Qur’an. I have read the four Gospels and watched the Jesus film which I once bought from a church.”

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Arab Vision Socials