
I am far away

‘I feel I am away far from God, and I want to draw near to Him again.’ - Mariam, Egypt

Who is he?

I have a question about Jesus. Who is he? Is he only a prophet? – Abdullah, Yemen

I love Jesus…

‘I love Jesus, but I don’t know how to follow Him.’- Salim, Algeria

Jesus is wise

Najet watched the Jesus film. She commented: “Jesus is wise, I can learn things from Him.”

Tell me more about the Biblical stories

Ala’ (Egypt): “I want to know more about the Biblical stories which aren’t mentioned in the Qur’an. I have read the four Gospels and watched the Jesus film which I once bought from a church.”

He is so controlling…

Zamzam (20): “My fiancé is controlling all my actions and relationships, even in my choice of clothing. I am unhappy with this situation. I try to convince myself that he is acting like this out of love.”

Jesus’ life is very beautiful

Yusuf: “I have been reading the Gospels for about a year now and I’m studying the life of Jesus. The life of Jesus is very beautiful!”

Betrayed and afraid

Sondos: “I talked with my mother-in-law about my husband’s betrayal, because I’m afraid to lose my husband if I talk to him about it.”

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